It seems that my own personal rOtring addiction has subsided slightly (probably a good thing) over the past year. The brand is still so fascinating, but my attention span has swayed to other things which has slowed my constant pursuit for all things rOtring.
Now, if you thought my fascination was on the brink of obsession, I was recently contacted by a gentleman named Olivier who, in my opinion, has me pleasantly beat... big time.
Image courtesy of Unofficial rOtring
He has recently started a blog called Unofficial rOtring which is already filled with a ton of awesome stuff. Some of it I'm not even sure where he would acquire such things! Not only does he also love the 600 series, but the Rapidographs, other unique "art" related rOtring products as well as what would be considered rOtring collectibles.
Image courtesy of Unofficial rOtring
If you are a fan of rOtring, take a few minutes to check out Olivier's site as I'm certain you'll be intrigued. I hope he someday opens a rOtring museum...