Baron Fig Squire Blue Slate - Giveaway! - WINNER

Great turn out for the Baron Fig Squire giveaway! Thanks everyone. I'll actually be running another Squire giveaway soon, so stay tuned!

The random number generator has spoken and the winner is: Jacob!

Congrats Jacob!

Now, you may notice that the winner shares the same last name as me... I feel a need to call out that he is actually my nephew! But, fair is fair and he entered just like everyone else. :) This is not a twisted form of nepotism in action, I promise...

And like I said, there will be another giveaway soon for more chances. 

Using the Baron Fig Coupon Helped!:

In my review of the Mysterium pen I shared a Baron Fig promo that gets you $10 off with a coupon from my referral link. This isn't a sponsorship link, but enough people using the code allowed me to do this giveaway and the one coming soon!

So, if you're looking at getting something from Baron Fig please consider using the link as it will help to keep doing fun stuff like this more often.