90th Anniversary Omas Journals Giveaway

I received three of these 90th Anniversary Omas journals awhile back from the fine people over at Kenro Industries and am excited to provide two of them for a giveaway here on The Clicky Post! Kenro is the US distributor for several pen brands we might recognize like Aurora, Montegrappa, and (obviously), Omas.

Special thanks to Kenro for sending them over!

CONTEST RULES (the "fine print"):

- Contest will run through Wednesday January 6th, 2016 and will end at 11:59pm Arizona Time, USA

- To enter, leave a comment below (limited to one entry per person; no cheating!): Do you have any pen/writing related goals or thoughts for 2016? Any pens in particular you want to try and acquire?

- I will arrange the entries in numerical order and randomly select two winners.  The winners will be announced on the blog on Thursday, January 7th and will need to connect with me within a week to claim their prize (or someone else gets it!).

- This giveaway is open to both US and International readers.